Summer Youth Camp 2013 - Our Future

Friday, 30 May 2008

Summer Camp at Gosling Lake...

Summer Camp
For 13 to 15 year olds
June 29th – July 6th 2008
Deadline for applications: June 16th
Registration fee is $75.00 per camper

Labrador Christian Youth Camp
Gosling Lake, Happy Valley-Goose Bay

The Labrador Christian Youth Camp offers a wide range of outdoor activities in the wild beauty of Labrador. The week will be a great opportunity for young people to canoe, hike, swim, play games, learn about God, and many things besides. Participants (5) from Nain, Hopedale, Makkovik, and HVGB are invited to attend, along with Moravian leaders from the United States. Bishop Sam Gray will accompany the two returning leaders, Glenna Tasedan and Rev. Tim Byerly. Each community will also send a leader/chaperone.

Bring: Bible, sleeping bag, toiletries, swim suit, rain gear, warm coat, bug repellent, snacks, musical instrument, flashlight.

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