Summer Youth Camp 2013 - Our Future

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Hopedale, NL
August 13-17th, 2012
Youth ages 12-15 years

This year's camp includes:  bible study, crafts, drama, photography, a fishing trip, and an aboriginal day.  Discover God's Word in the midst of God's creation. 
Cost:  $75.00   Reduced air travel may be available upon requested.
Contact:  Sarah Jensen   709-933-3687 or the Rev. Glenna Tasedan  828-339-6970
Registration deadline is July 22nd.  Download/print the registration form here.

Registration for Summer Camp August 13-17, 2012       

Offered by the Moravian Church in Newfoundland and Labrador at Little Bay, near Hopedale
Head counsellors:  Sarah Jensen and Rev. Glenna Tasedan

Name:         ___________________________________      Boy      Girl
Date of birth:  ____________________

School grade (as of June 23) ________________________

Contact details of parent/guardian in case of emergency:

          Telephone:  ____________________________
          Address:  ______________________________
          Email address: __________________________ 

Home congregation:  Hopedale  Happy Valley   Makkovik    Nain
Food allergies:  ___________________________________________

Current medication:  _______________________________________

Medical Condition(s):  _____________________________________

MCP number:  ______________________

Any other information:  ______________________________________

 Skills (such as ability to swim, music, etc.)  ______________________

Name of parent / guardian (please print)  ________________________
Signature of Parent / Guardian        _____________________________
Signature of chapel servant         _______________________________

Please return this form with payment of $75.00 to "Labrador Moravian Youth Camp", c/o Sarah Jensen, Hopedale, NL

Deadline for registration is July 22nd.