Summer Youth Camp 2013 - Our Future

Wednesday, 12 September 2012


      The 2012 Moravian Summer Youth Camp for Labrador youth ages 10 - 15 was a beautiful time of abiding in God and His creation.  The youth camp took place at the new cabin in Little Bay South (Hopedale) where the weather was perfect, the fishing ideal, and the worship and fellowship outstanding.  Seventeen youth; 3 from Happy Valley Goose Bay and 14 from Hopedale participated.  In addition to their bible study and journaling, activities that marked this camp included fishing, swimming, t-shirt tie-dying and other crafts, music, Inuit games, and watching bears from afar.  The special guest (Moses) appeared, and many new friendships were built.
      Many many thanks go out to Piercey and Francis Boas, Jim Nitsman, and to the Hopedale community for all their assistance in cooking, fixing, making things happen, and transporting the campers on their fishing excursion. 



2012 Moravian Youth Camp Campers and Counselors

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Hopedale, NL
August 13-17th, 2012
Youth ages 12-15 years

This year's camp includes:  bible study, crafts, drama, photography, a fishing trip, and an aboriginal day.  Discover God's Word in the midst of God's creation. 
Cost:  $75.00   Reduced air travel may be available upon requested.
Contact:  Sarah Jensen   709-933-3687 or the Rev. Glenna Tasedan  828-339-6970
Registration deadline is July 22nd.  Download/print the registration form here.

Registration for Summer Camp August 13-17, 2012       

Offered by the Moravian Church in Newfoundland and Labrador at Little Bay, near Hopedale
Head counsellors:  Sarah Jensen and Rev. Glenna Tasedan

Name:         ___________________________________      Boy      Girl
Date of birth:  ____________________

School grade (as of June 23) ________________________

Contact details of parent/guardian in case of emergency:

          Telephone:  ____________________________
          Address:  ______________________________
          Email address: __________________________ 

Home congregation:  Hopedale  Happy Valley   Makkovik    Nain
Food allergies:  ___________________________________________

Current medication:  _______________________________________

Medical Condition(s):  _____________________________________

MCP number:  ______________________

Any other information:  ______________________________________

 Skills (such as ability to swim, music, etc.)  ______________________

Name of parent / guardian (please print)  ________________________
Signature of Parent / Guardian        _____________________________
Signature of chapel servant         _______________________________

Please return this form with payment of $75.00 to "Labrador Moravian Youth Camp", c/o Sarah Jensen, Hopedale, NL

Deadline for registration is July 22nd.