Summer Youth Camp 2013 - Our Future

Monday, 21 January 2008

Children's Day at Happy Valley

On Sunday, January 20, 2008 the Happy Valley Moravian Church held its Children's Day.

The celebrations began with a Lovefeast at the 11 a.m. service. There was enough buns and juice for everyone!

After lunch we held activities in the afternoon beginning at 1:30 p.m. with a sing a long with camp director for the Labrador Christian YOuth Camp, Vicki Roeder-Martin and her helper from Katimavik Samantha. After singing the kids played games outside in the parking lot with capture the flag the favourite.

We then came in for a warm up playing Skip Bo with Simone Daniels being the Skip Bo champion. We had a snack of juice, hot chocolate, potato chips and cup cakes thanks to Regula Schule! Thank you Regula and yum!

Then we played another game of capture the flag and concluded with a movie. Joining in the celebration at the end of the day was a potluck with the congregation.

Thank you to all who helped, Beatrice Hunter, Justine Obed, Elias Daniels, Vicki and Samantha, Regula and the choir, Amos Lyall, Beatrice Hope, Rose Pamak, and Sue Felsberg. What a blessed and truly enjoyable day for all.
Sr Sabina Hunter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see children playing in the snow .... here in Denmark we havent had any snow for the last years !