Summer Youth Camp 2013 - Our Future

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Car Wash Fundraiser

The kids from the Happy Valley Moravian Church raised $270.00 dollars on June 17th, 2007 that went towards their youth program Youth Quest and sending 9 kids for Camp July 1-8, 2007. Unfortunately due to a forest fire that was close to town, they were ordered to cut it short by the Town Office. The kids had a great time and enjoyed the time!


Ole Akhoej said...

Fine photographs from the carwash day - a pity you had to stop; I hope that the fires did`nt doo too much damage
All the best wishes, Ole

Your Wisconsin Friend Jeanne E. said...

Oh, way to go Youth!! God will bless you for your service. AMEN!

Miss you all, 3yrs. since I last saw any of you and still miss you much.From you Wisconsin friend @ Saratoga Moravian Church.
Jeanne Eggebrecht