Our youngest of Moravian churches, Happy Valley Moravian, celebrated their 60th Anniversary of their founding in October 2014. After various celebratory activities and worship over the year, the momentous occasion culminated in a weekend of special events including a lovefeast, story-sharing, and a history tea sharing the 60 year history in pictures, stories, 1st-hand accounts, memorabilia, and readings of the ministers' diaries and records. Visitors and members from previous years were present and the weekend climaxed with a church-wide supper at the Masonic Lodge.
The anniversary was marked by specially made coffee mugs, pens, and shopping bags engraved with the above sketch by the beloved minister the Rev. David Dickenson from England. Rejoicing and thanksgiving are extended to all the Moravian ministers serving this congregation including but not limited to the Revs. Peacock, Dickenson, Guerney, Robinson, Edmunds, and most recently Rev. Tasedan, and to the congregation's many devoted lay leaders over the years. Many thanks to the Anniversary Committee for their hard work. The greatest thanks and glory goes to Jesus Christ, our Chief Elder.
As Happy Valley Moravian represents the most recent migration of many Labrador Inuit Moravians, inspired by the placement and building of a new air base in Labrador, the following well-documented history timeline is shared from diaries, letters, and journals.
Founding of Happy
Valley Moravian Church
Prior to July 1953
Fall 1943 Family of Gilbert Saunders (Don) - left Davis Inlet, Big Bay, and Makkovik– picked up Family of John
Broomfield [Walter, John, Lily [mom's sister's son]) – and family of Thorwald Perrault [Alice, Ron, Walter],
and Walters family [Eliza, Grace, Jane, Sam, Simon Ebert].
Families settled at Otter Creek.
By 1950
Moravians & Anglicans were holding services in the Friendship Cntr; (Anglican-Moravian school)
1952 – Scout Hall was erected and
Moravian worship was held there.
Building was also used as classrooms until the joint Anglican-Moravian
School could be built [1953].
was an Anglican deaconess Adams pastoral presence-(early 50s) Anglican
founding-1st baptism.
Prior to 1953 until Dec. 1954
Moravians were worshipping in Boy
Scout Hut
March 30
Letter requesting Mission Board of England if they would assign a minister
to the Happy Valley congregation. Visiting Anglican/United ministers only
visit their own. Minister in NWR
occasionally available for special circumstances.
July 23 "You
will be pleased to know that we now have a regularly constituted congregation
in Happy Valley Goose Bay & that the following officers have been chosen
& elected: John Broomfield, Chapel
Servant, Alice Perrault-Chapel Servant, Thorwald Perrault-Elder."
additional members elected to join them to assist John Broomfield. Elected Elders: Alfred Winters, Norman Edmunds.
Broomfield installed (as 'Lay Minister'?)
Oct. 3
Foundation for the Moravian Church in Happy Valley. Workers names: Norman Edmunds, Edward
Andersen, Alfred Winters, Charles Broomfield & John Broomfield. [This was the reason John began his journal]
Nov. 12/13
Lumber was brought from Mud Lake by boat and landed on the river beach
under a river bank some 18-20 feet high.
A gang of willing workers (21 men) came along with lanterns at night and
landed it all on top of this bank ready
to be hauled by truck to where the foundation was started.
Nov. 14
American Air Force donated use of truck to haul lumber to where the
foundation was started. Lumber was
hauled, stacked & piled ready to use as soon as the snow goes in the
Nov. 20
First floor of church laid and things left until spring. (Workers weren't available for working).
January 30
Meeting called by Rev. Peacock (visit).
25 members present. Nominated Chapel
Servants: Mrs. Gilbert Saunders & Mrs. Bridget Winters.
February 3
Rev. F.W. Peacock (superintendent from Nain, held service to consecrate
the place for the building. Consecration
done on the floor of church.
February 10 W.T.Perrault elected Chairperson. W.E.Andersen elected Vice Chair-person.
June 8 Framing
of church completed.
September 11 Roof of
church is up.
December 18 Hauled the organ on a komatik from Mr. Gilbert
Saunders house to the church for use until congregation can afford one.
December 19 First service in new sanctuary. Seats without
backs. A wood stove for heat. Coleman
lanterns for light. "Church was
packed full with adults and children" (114). Note:
This Christmas service held on Sunday as men would be working on
Christmas day.
John Broomfield JB
Minutes of
Moravian Church Committee Meetings;
Alice Perrault MMC
Saunders, Don DS
Perrault, Ron RP
Arch Deacon
Charlene Taylor ADCT
Crane, Jean JC
F.W. Moravian Mission Letter, MML
Happy Valley
Town Census, October 26, 1947. HVC
Perrault, Alice.
Letter written to F.W.Peacock of Nain.
March 30, 1953 LETAP
10. Perrault, Alice.
"History of Happy Valley"